Package-level declarations
The content for a new menu, typically this should draw a single Menu.
A player holding a THEOplayer instance that can be hosted by a DefaultUI or UIController.
The type of a stream.
Represents one or more ranges of time, each specified by a start time and an end time.
Scope for the contents of a UIController.
A list of audio tracks, from which the user can choose an active audio track.
A Menu to change the spoken language of the stream.
A button to start and stop casting using Chromecast.
A display for the state of an active Chromecast session.
A compact display for the state of an active Chromecast session.
An expanded display for the state of an active Chromecast session.
A text display that shows the player's current time.
A text display that shows the player's duration.
A display for a fatal error, if the player encounters one.
Return the given time in a human-readable format, such as "0:10"
or "01:23:45"
Return a human-readable label for the given media track or text track.
A button that toggles fullscreen.
A Menu to change the spoken language and subtitles of the stream.
A button that opens the language menu.
The compact menu contents of the LanguageMenu.
The expanded menu contents of the LanguageMenu.
A button that shows whether the player is currently playing at the live point, and seeks to the live point when clicked.
An indicator that shows whether the player is currently waiting for more data to resume playback.
A menu that can be opened on top of the player.
A button that toggles whether audio is muted or not.
A list of playback rates, from which the user can choose a desired playback rate.
A Menu to change the playback rate of the player.
A button that toggles whether the player is playing or paused.
A list of video qualities, from which the user can choose a target video quality.
A Menu to change the video quality of the stream.
A seek bar showing the current time of the player, and which seeks the player when clicked or dragged.
A button that seeks forward or backward by a fixed offset.
A Menu to change the settings of the player, such as the video quality or the playback rate.
A button that opens the settings menu.
A Menu to change the subtitles of the stream.
A list of subtitle tracks, from which the user can choose an active subtitle track.
A container component for a THEOplayer UI.