
fun DefaultUI(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, config: THEOplayerConfig, source: SourceDescription? = null, title: String? = null)

A default THEOplayer UI component.

This component provides a great player experience out-of-the-box, that works for all types of streams. It provides all the common playback controls for playing, seeking, changing languages and qualities.

The colors and fonts can be changed by wrapping this inside a THEOplayerTheme. For more extensive customizations, we recommend defining your own custom UI using a UIController.



the Modifier to be applied to this UI


the player configuration to be used when constructing the THEOplayerView


the source description to load into the player


the stream's title, shown at the top of the player

See also

fun DefaultUI(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, player: Player = rememberPlayer(), title: String? = null)

A default THEOplayer UI component.

This component provides a great player experience out-of-the-box, that works for all types of streams. It provides all the common playback controls for playing, seeking, changing languages and qualities.

The colors and fonts can be changed by wrapping this inside a THEOplayerTheme. For more extensive customizations, we recommend defining your own custom UI using a UIController.



the Modifier to be applied to this UI


the player. This should always be created using rememberPlayer.


the stream's title, shown at the top of the player

See also