
interface Player

A player holding a THEOplayer instance that can be hosted by a DefaultUI or UIController.

All properties are backed by State or MutableState objects, so reads from within a Composable function will automatically subscribe to changes of that property.


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object Companion

Contains properties to access the current Player.


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abstract var activeAudioTrack: MediaTrack<AudioQuality>?

Returns or sets the active audio track.

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abstract var activeSubtitleTrack: TextTrack?

Returns or sets the active subtitle track.

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abstract val activeVideoQuality: VideoQuality?

Returns the currently active video quality.

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abstract val ads: Ads?

Returns the raw Ads API of the backing THEOplayer instance.

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abstract val audioTracks: List<MediaTrack<AudioQuality>>

Returns all available audio tracks.

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abstract val cast: Cast?

Returns the raw Cast API of the backing THEOplayer instance.

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abstract val castReceiverName: String?

Returns the name of the connected Chromecast receiver, if any.

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abstract val castState: PlayerCastState

Returns the casting state of the player.

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abstract val currentTime: Double

Returns the current playback position of the media, in seconds.

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abstract val duration: Double

Returns the duration of the media, in seconds.

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abstract val ended: Boolean

Returns whether playback has reached the end of the media.

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abstract val error: THEOplayerException?

Returns any fatal error the player has encountered, if any.

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abstract val firstPlay: Boolean

Returns whether the player has already started playback before.

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abstract var fullscreen: Boolean

Returns or sets whether the player should be shown in fullscreen mode.

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abstract val loading: Boolean

Returns whether the player is currently waiting for more data to resume playback.

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abstract var muted: Boolean

Returns or sets whether the audio is muted.

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abstract val paused: Boolean

Returns whether the player is paused.

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abstract var playbackRate: Double

Returns or sets the playback rate of the player.

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abstract val player: Player?

Returns the backing THEOplayer instance.

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abstract val playingAd: Boolean

Returns whether the player is currently playing an ad.

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abstract val readyState: ReadyState

Returns the ReadyState of the player.

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abstract val seekable: TimeRanges

Returns the ranges of the media to which the player can seek.

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abstract val seeking: Boolean

Returns whether the player is seeking.

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abstract var source: SourceDescription?

Returns or sets the player's source.

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abstract val streamType: StreamType

Returns the StreamType of the media.

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abstract val subtitleTracks: List<TextTrack>

Returns all available subtitle tracks.

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abstract var targetVideoQuality: VideoQuality?

Returns or sets the target video quality.

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abstract val theoplayerView: THEOplayerView?

Returns the wrapped THEOplayer view.

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abstract val videoHeight: Int

Returns the height of the active video rendition, in pixels.

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abstract val videoQualities: List<VideoQuality>

Returns all available video qualities.

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abstract val videoWidth: Int

Returns the width of the active video rendition, in pixels.

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abstract var volume: Double

Returns or sets the audio volume of the player.


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abstract fun pause()

Pauses playback.

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abstract fun play()

Starts or resumes playback.