The events dispatched by THEOplayer.


adevent: AdEvent

Dispatched when an ad event occurs.

canplay: Event<CANPLAY>

Dispatched when the player can resume playback of the media data.

castevent: CastEvent

Dispatched when a cast event occurs, either for Chromecast or Airplay.

destroy: Event<DESTROY>

Dispatched when the player will be destroyed.

durationchange: DurationChangeEvent

Dispatched when the player's duration attribute has been updated.

ended: Event<ENDED>

Dispatched when playback has stopped because the end of the media was reached or because no further data is available.

error: ErrorEvent

Dispatched when an error occurs.

loadeddata: Event<LOADED_DATA>

Dispatched when the player can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time.

loadedmetadata: LoadedMetadataEvent

Dispatched when the player determines the metadata for its source.

loadstart: Event<LOAD_START>

Dispatched when the player starts loading the manifest.

mediatrack: MediaTrackEvent

Dispatched when a media track event occurs.

mediatracklist: MediaTrackListEvent

Dispatched when a media track list event occurs.

pause: Event<PAUSE>

Dispatched when the player's internal paused state changes to true.

play: Event<PLAY>

Dispatched when the player's internal paused state changes to false.

playing: Event<PLAYING>

Dispatched when playback is ready to start after having been paused or delayed due to lack of media data.

presentationmodechange: PresentationModeChangeEvent

Dispatched when the presentationMode of the player changes.

progress: ProgressEvent

Dispatched each time the player has loaded media data.

ratechange: RateChangeEvent

Dispatched when the player's playbackRate changes.

readystatechange: ReadyStateChangeEvent

Dispatched when the player's readyState has changed.

resize: ResizeEvent

Dispatched when the player size changes.

seeked: Event<SEEKED>

Dispatched when a seek operation completed and the current playback position has changed.

seeking: Event<SEEKING>

Dispatched when a seek operation starts and the player is seeking a new position.

segmentnotfound: SegmentNotFoundEvent

Dispatched when a segment can not be found.


- Only dispatched on DASH streams.

sourcechange: Event<SOURCE_CHANGE>

Dispatched when the player's source changes.

texttrack: TextTrackEvent

Dispatched when a text track event occurs.

texttracklist: TextTrackListEvent

Dispatched when a text track list event occurs.

timeupdate: TimeUpdateEvent

Dispatched each time the current playback position changed.

volumechange: VolumeChangeEvent

Dispatched when the player's volume changes.

waiting: Event<WAITING>

Dispatched when playback has stopped because the next frame is not available, but the player expects that frame to become available in due course.