
A default UI handler for the Yospace connector.

This handler shows a linear clickthrough button in the top-right corner, and shows clickable non-linear images in the top-left corner.

If you want to customize the UI, you can implement your own YospaceUiHandler and pass it to the YospaceConnector constructor.


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constructor(theoplayerView: THEOplayerView)


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open override fun destroy()

Called when the player is destroyed, to clean up any created resources.

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open override fun hideLinearClickThrough()

Called when the click-through button for the current linear creative should be removed.

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open override fun hideNonLinear(nonLinearCreative: NonLinearCreative)

Called when the given non-linear creative should be removed.

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open override fun showLinearClickThrough(linearCreative: LinearCreative, callback: YospaceClickThroughCallback)

Called when a click-through button for the given linear creative should be shown.

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open override fun showNonLinear(nonLinearCreative: NonLinearCreative, callback: YospaceClickThroughCallback)

Called when the given non-linear creative should be shown.