Package-level declarations


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A callback that should be called when a linear or non-linear creative is clicked.

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class YospaceConnector @JvmOverloads constructor(theoplayerView: THEOplayerView, uiHandler: YospaceUiHandler = YospaceDefaultUiHandler(theoplayerView))

A connector for the Yospace Ad Management SDK.

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A default UI handler for the Yospace connector.

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interface YospaceListener

A listener that receives events from a YospaceConnector.

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data class YospaceSsaiDescription @JvmOverloads constructor(val streamType: YospaceStreamType = YospaceStreamType.LIVE, val sessionProperties: Session.SessionProperties = Session.SessionProperties()) : CustomSsaiDescription

The configuration for server-side ad insertion using the YospaceConnector.

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The type of the Yospace stream.

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A UI handler for the Yospace connector.