Interface DefaultUIProps

interface DefaultUIProps {
    attributeChangedCallback?: (
        attrName: string,
        oldValue: any,
        newValue: any,
    ) => void;
    autoplay?: boolean;
    bottomControlBar?: ReactNode;
    children?: undefined;
    configuration?: PlayerConfiguration;
    connectedCallback?: () => void;
    disconnectedCallback?: () => void;
    dvrThreshold?: number;
    fluid?: boolean;
    menu?: ReactNode;
    muted?: boolean;
    onReady?: (player: ChromelessPlayer) => void;
    player?: ChromelessPlayer;
    source?: SourceDescription;
    streamType?: StreamType;
    title?: ReactNode;
    topControlBar?: ReactNode;
    userIdleTimeout?: number;



attributeChangedCallback?: (
    attrName: string,
    oldValue: any,
    newValue: any,
) => void
autoplay?: boolean
bottomControlBar?: ReactNode

A slot for extra UI controls in the bottom control bar.

children?: undefined

Use a named slot instead, such as:

configuration?: PlayerConfiguration
connectedCallback?: () => void
disconnectedCallback?: () => void
dvrThreshold?: number
fluid?: boolean
menu?: ReactNode

A slot for extra menus (see Menu).

muted?: boolean
onReady?: (player: ChromelessPlayer) => void

Called when the backing player is created.

streamType?: StreamType
title?: ReactNode

A slot for the stream's title in the top control bar.

topControlBar?: ReactNode

A slot for extra UI controls in the top control bar.

userIdleTimeout?: number