<theoplayer-preview-thumbnail> - A display that shows the thumbnail image at the current preview time of a <theoplayer-time-range>.

The first metadata text track whose label equals "thumbnails" is used as source for the thumbnails. This track is expected to contain cues whose content is the URL for the thumbnail image. If the thumbnail image URL ends with a spatial fragment (e.g. #xywh=180,80,60,40), then the thumbnail is clipped to the rectangle defined by that fragment.

If the stream does not contain thumbnails, then this display shows nothing.




activeVideoQuality?: VideoQuality
deviceType?: DeviceType
fullscreen?: boolean
playbackRate?: number
streamType?: StreamType
targetVideoQualities?: VideoQuality[]
theoplayerUiObservedProperties: (keyof StateReceiverPropertyMap)[]

The names of the properties this element will receive.


  • get previewTime(): number

    Returns number

  • set previewTime(previewTime: number): void


    • previewTime: number

    Returns void
