interface ComscoreMetadata {
    c3?: string;
    c4?: string;
    c6?: string;
    carryTvAdvertisementLoad?: boolean;
    classifyAsAudioStream: boolean;
    classifyAsCompleteEpisode?: boolean;
    clipUrl?: string;
    customLabels?: CustomComscoreMetadata;
    dateOfDigitalAiring?: ComscoreDate;
    dateOfProduction?: ComscoreDate;
    dateOfTvAiring?: ComscoreDate;
    deliveryAdvertisementCapability?: ComscoreDeliveryAdvertisementCapability;
    deliveryComposition?: ComscoreDeliveryComposition;
    deliveryMode?: ComscoreDeliveryMode;
    deliverySubscriptionType?: ComscoreDeliverySubscriptionType;
    distributionModel?: ComscoreDistributionModel;
    episodeId?: string;
    episodeNumber?: string;
    episodeSeasonNumber?: string;
    episodeTitle: string;
    feedType?: ComscoreFeedType;
    genreId?: string;
    genreName: string;
    length: number;
    mediaFormat?: ComscoreMediaFormat;
    mediaType: ComscoreMediaType;
    networkAffiliate?: string;
    playlistTitle?: string;
    programId?: string;
    programTitle: string;
    publisherName?: string;
    stationCode?: string;
    stationTitle: string;
    timeOfDigitalAiring?: ComscoreTime;
    timeOfProduction?: ComscoreTime;
    timeOfTvAiring?: ComscoreTime;
    totalSegments?: number;
    uniqueId: string;
    videoDimension?: ComscoreDimension;


c3?: string

VMX dictionary (level 1), mandatory, Comscore API: setDictionaryClassificationC3( string value ) - (c3)

c4?: string

VMX dictionary (level 2), mandatory, Comscore API: setDictionaryClassificationC4( string value ) - (c4)

c6?: string

VMX dictionary (level 3), mandatory, Comscore API: setDictionaryClassificationC6( string value ) - (c6)

carryTvAdvertisementLoad?: boolean

This metadata helps Comscore differentiate if the stream is carrying the same ad load as TV, Comscore API: carryTvAdvertisementLoad( Boolean value ) - (ns_st_ia)

classifyAsAudioStream: boolean

Use value true if the content is audio-only, rather than video (with or without audio). Otherwise omit or use value false, Comscore API: classifyAsAudioStream( Boolean value ) - (ns_st_ty)

classifyAsCompleteEpisode?: boolean

Complete Episode Flag, 1 - if the content media is a full episode, LIVE: Optional, VOD: Optional, Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: classifyAsCompleteEpisode( Boolean value ) - (ns_st_ce)

clipUrl?: string

The URL (or path/filename) of the content stream, Comscore API: setClipUrl( string url ) - (ns_st_cu)

customLabels?: CustomComscoreMetadata

Can be used to specify a collection of custom metadata name/value pairs, Comscore API: addCustomLabels( Object labels )

dateOfDigitalAiring?: ComscoreDate

The date on which the content was made available for streaming consumption. This metadata helps Comscore establish monetization windows (live, day +1, day +3, etc.) for any given episode or show. The monetization windows are used to calculate commercial and program ratings, LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setDateOfDigitalAiring( int year, int month, int day ) - (ns_st_ddt)

dateOfProduction?: ComscoreDate

The date on which the content was produced or created, LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setDateOfProduction( int year, int month, int day ) - (ns_st_dt)

dateOfTvAiring?: ComscoreDate

The date on which the content aired on TV. This metadata helps Comscore establish monetization windows (live, day +1, day +3, etc.) for any given episode or show. The monetization windows are used to calculate commercial and program ratings. LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content Comscore API: setDateOfTvAiring( int year, int month, int day ) - (ns_st_tdt)

deliveryAdvertisementCapability?: ComscoreDeliveryAdvertisementCapability

Indicate what capability is allowed for advertisement placements, Comscore API: setDeliveryAdvertisementCapability( value ) - (ns_st_cda)

deliveryComposition?: ComscoreDeliveryComposition

Indicates whether or not ads are delivered as part of the content stream, Comscore API: setDeliveryComposition( value ) - (ns_st_cdc)

deliveryMode?: ComscoreDeliveryMode

Identifies the content delivery to be on-demand or linear, Comscore API: setDeliveryMode( value ) - (ns_st_cde)

deliverySubscriptionType?: ComscoreDeliverySubscriptionType

Identifies the type of subscription of the user, Comscore API: setDeliverySubscriptionType( value ) - (ns_st_cds)

distributionModel?: ComscoreDistributionModel

Content Distribution Model, Specify where the content was distributed, LIVE: Optional, VOD: Optional, Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setDistributionModel( value ) - (ns_st_cdm)

episodeId?: string

Episode ID Sub level content ID to be used for matching and grouping purposes,LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setEpisodeId( string id ) - (ns_st_tep)

episodeNumber?: string

Episode number for episodic content. It is recommended to use values with 2 digits — or 3 digits for episodic content with more than 99 episodes in a season — left-padded with 0, Comscore API: setEpisodeNumber( string value ) - (ns_st_en)

episodeSeasonNumber?: string

Season Number, Season number for episodic content, LIVE: Optional, VOD: Optional, Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setEpisodeSeasonNumber( string value ) - (ns_st_sn)

episodeTitle: string

Episode title, Sub level content title (i.e., the title of the specific episode),LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setEpisodeTitle( string title ) - (ns_st_ep)

feedType?: ComscoreFeedType

Specify the type of feed provided on the live stream, Comscore API: setFeedType( value ) - (ns_st_ft)

genreId?: string

Genre ID to be used for matching and grouping purposes (for example when the genres are multilingual). Multiple values can be provided as a comma-separated string, Comscore API: setGenreId( string id ) - (ns_st_tge)

genreName: string

Genre description. Multiple values can be provided as a comma-separated string, LIVE: Optional, VOD: Optional, Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setGenreName( string name ) - (ns_st_ge)

length: number

Clip Length in milliseconds, Comscore API: setLength( int length ) - (ns_st_cl)

mediaFormat?: ComscoreMediaFormat

Specify the type of content media in more detail, VOD: Mandatory, Adv: Inherited from Content, Specify the type of content media in more detail, Comscore API: setMediaFormat( value ) - (ns_st_cmt)

Classification type, mandatory, setMediaType( value ) - (ns_st_li)

networkAffiliate?: string

Code to identify station affiliation in cases where the same local TV station call sign is affiliated with multiple national TV networks, Comscore API: setNetworkAffiliate( string code ) - (ns_st_sta)

playlistTitle?: string

Can be used if the player offers the media as part of a playlist. Specify an identifier (title, etc.) for the playlist. For example, the TV Show title for a playlist which contains all episodes from a specific TV show, Comscore API: setPlaylistTitle( string title ) - (ns_st_pl)

programId?: string

Program Id, Top level content ID to be used for matching and grouping purposes, LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setProgramId( string id ) - (ns_st_tpr)

programTitle: string

Program name, Top level content title (i.e., the name of the overall program, show, or content series), LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setProgramTitle( string title ) - (ns_st_pr)

publisherName?: string

Publisher Brand Name, the consumer-facing brand name of the media publisher that owns the content, LIVE: Mandatory, VOD: Mandatory, Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setPublisherName( string name ) - (ns_st_pu)

stationCode?: string

Channel ID, Code of the station or channel for which content was recorded or where content is made available, LIVE: Mandatory,VOD: Mandatory,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setStationCode( string code ) - (ns_st_stc)

stationTitle: string

Channel Name, title of the station or channel for which content was recorded or where content is made available, LIVE: Mandatory,VOD: Mandatory,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setStationTitle( string title ) - (ns_st_st)

timeOfDigitalAiring?: ComscoreTime

The time at which the content was made available for streaming consumption, LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setTimeOfDigitalAiring( int hours, int minutes ) - (ns_st_dtm)

timeOfProduction?: ComscoreTime

The time at which the content was produced or created, LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setTimeOfProduction( int hours, int minutes ) - (ns_st_tm)

timeOfTvAiring?: ComscoreTime

The time at which the content aired on TV, LIVE: Optional,VOD: Optional,Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setTimeOfTvAiring( int hours, int minutes ) - (ns_st_ttm)

totalSegments?: number

Indicates the total number of segments of the content, which is one more than the number of mid-roll ad breaks. For example, content with no mid-roll ad breaks has 1 segment and content with 2 mid-roll ad breaks has 3 segments, Comscore API: setTotalSegments( int total ) - (ns_st_tp)

uniqueId: string

Program ID for VMX, unique identifier for the content, LIVE: Mandatory, VOD: Mandatory, Adv: Inherited from Content, Comscore API: setUniqueId( string id ) - (ns_st_ct)

videoDimension?: ComscoreDimension

Content video dimensions in pixels, Comscore API: setVideoDimensions( int pixelsWide, int pixelsHigh ) - (ns_st_cs)

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