Interface TheoAdDescription

Describes a THEOads ad break request.


- For THEOads, one configured ad break request enables server guided ad playback for the entire stream.

interface TheoAdDescription {
    adTagParameters?: Record<string, string>;
    backdropDoubleBox?: string;
    backdropLShape?: string;
    customAssetKey?: string;
    integration: theoads;
    networkCode?: string;
    overrideLayout?: TheoAdsLayoutOverride;
    replaceContent?: boolean;
    retrievePodIdURI?: string;
    sources?: string;
    sseEndpoint?: string;
    streamActivityMonitorId?: string;
    timeOffset?: string | number;
    useId3?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


adTagParameters?: Record<string, string>

The ad tag parameters added to stream request.


- Each entry contains the parameter name with associated value.
- Values added must be strings.

backdropDoubleBox?: string

Default backdrop image URI to be used as a background for ads in double box layout.


- This will be overridden by backdrop image URIs parsed from THEOads ad markers or returned in the ad response.
- If no URI is configured, and no backdrop companion is parsed from the marker or returned in the ad response, a black screen will be shown as background.

backdropLShape?: string

Default backdrop image URI to be used as a background for ads in L-shape layout.


- This will be overridden by backdrop image URIs parsed from THEOads ad markers or returned in the ad response.
- If no URI is configured, and no backdrop companion is parsed from the marker or returned in the ad response, a black screen will be shown as background.

customAssetKey?: string

Default custom asset key to use for ad requests.


- This will be overridden by custom asset keys parsed from THEOads ad markers.
- If no custom asset key is configured, and it cannot be parsed from the THEOads ad marker, ads will not be loaded.

integration: theoads

The integration of the ad break.

networkCode?: string

Default network code to use for ad requests.


- This will be overridden by network codes parsed from THEOads ad markers.
- If no network code is configured, and it cannot be parsed from the THEOads ad marker, ads will not be loaded.

overrideLayout?: TheoAdsLayoutOverride

Override the layout of all THEOads ad breaks, if set.

replaceContent?: boolean

Whether the ad replaces playback of the content.


- When the ad ends, the content will resume at the ad break's offset plus its duration.

Default Value

- true for live content,
- false for VOD content

retrievePodIdURI?: string

The URI from where to retrieve the PodID's as returned from the EABN service from Google.

sources?: string

For SGAI, this should be configured with the signaling server base URI.

If configured, the player will attempt to sideload the modified manifest from the signaling server separate from the source manifest. If not configured, the player will assume that the ad markers are part of the source manifest.

sseEndpoint?: string

The endpoint from where to retrieve the server-sent events.

streamActivityMonitorId?: string

The streamActivityMonitorId added to the GAM Pod stream request.


- Available since v8.17.0.
- Available on Web only.

timeOffset?: string | number

Offset after which the ad break will start.

Possible formats:
- A number for the offset in seconds.
- 'start' for a preroll.
- 'end' for a postroll.
- 'HH:MM:SS.mmm' for a timestamp in the playback window.
- A percentage string (XX%) for a proportion of the content duration.


- A timestamp which is not in the playback window will result in the ad break not being started.
- VMAP resources will ignore this value as they contain an internal offset.
- Since 2.18, numbers are supported for the Google IMA integration, since 2.21 other formats as well.

Default Value


useId3?: boolean

Whether to use the Id3 based operating mode.

Default Value



- Only applicable for specific use-cases.
- Contact THEO Technologies for more information.