Represents a track of a media resource.


- A specific track type (e.g. TextTrack) will always be used.

interface TextTrack {
    cues: null | TextTrackCue[];
    forced: boolean;
    id: string;
    kind: TextTrackKind;
    label: string;
    language: string;
    mode: TextTrackMode;
    src: string;
    type: TextTrackType;
    uid: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


cues: null | TextTrackCue[]

The list of cues of the track.


- If the TextTrack.mode is 'disabled', this property is null.

forced: boolean

Indicates whether the track contains Forced Narrative cues. This may only be true for subtitle tracks where
- For DASH: the corresponding AdaptationSet contains a child Role with its value attribute equal to 'forced_subtitle'
- For HLS: the corresponding #EXT-X-MEDIA tag contains the attributes TYPE=SUBTITLES and FORCED=YES (not supported yet)

id: string

The identifier of the text track.


- This identifier can be used to distinguish between related tracks, e.g. tracks in the same list.

The kind of the text track, represented by a value from the following list:
- 'subtitles': The track contains subtitles.
- 'captions': The track contains closed captions, a translation of dialogue and sound effects.
- 'descriptions': The track contains descriptions, a textual description of the video.
- 'chapters': The track contains chapter titles.
- 'metadata': The track contains metadata. This track will not serve display purposes.

label: string

The label of the text track.

language: string

The language of the text track.

The mode of the text track, represented by a value from the following list:
- 'disabled': The track is disabled.
- 'showing': The track is showing.
- 'hidden': The track is enabled and loading cues, but not shown. (used for metadata tracks)

src: string

The source of the text track.

The content type of the text track.

uid: number

A unique identifier of the text track.


- This identifier is unique across tracks of a THEOplayer instance and can be used to distinguish between tracks.

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