Interface SourceConfiguration

Describes the configuration of a player's source.

interface SourceConfiguration {
    ads?: AdDescription[];
    analytics?: AnalyticsDescription[];
    contentProtection?: DRMConfiguration;
    metadata?: MetadataDescription;
    poster?: string;
    textTracks?: TextTrackDescription[];
    timeServer?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


List of AdDescriptions to be queued for playback.

analytics?: AnalyticsDescription[]

List of AnalyticsDescriptions to configure source-related properties for analytics connectors.

contentProtection?: DRMConfiguration

Content protection configuration.

Describes the metadata of a source.

poster?: string

The poster of the media source.


- An empty string ('') clears the current poster.

textTracks?: TextTrackDescription[]

List of text tracks to be side-loaded with the media source.


- A source change will reset side-loaded text tracks.

timeServer?: string

The URL of a time server used by the player to synchronise the time in DASH sources.


- The time server should return time in ISO-8601 format.
- Overrides the time server provided the DASH manifest's <UTCTiming>.
- All sources will use the time server. Alternatively, for one source use BaseSource.timeServer.

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