Interface IMAAdDescription

Describes a Google IMA ad break request.

interface IMAAdDescription {
    integration: google_ima;
    omidAccessModeRules?: {
        [key: number]: string;
    replaceContent?: boolean;
    sources: string | AdSource;
    timeOffset?: string | number;

Hierarchy (view full)


integration: google_ima

The integration of this ad break.

omidAccessModeRules?: {
    [key: number]: string;

Optional settings object for mapping verification vendors (google.ima.OmidVerificationVendor) to OMID Access Modes (google.ima.OmidAccessMode).

Type declaration

  • [key: number]: string
replaceContent?: boolean

Whether the ad replaces playback of the content.


- When the ad ends, the content will resume at the ad break's offset plus its duration.

Default Value

- true for live content,
- false for VOD content

sources: string | AdSource

The source of the ad


- VAST, VMAP and VPAID are supported.

timeOffset?: string | number

Offset after which the ad break will start.

Possible formats:
- A number for the offset in seconds.
- 'start' for a preroll.
- 'end' for a postroll.
- 'HH:MM:SS.mmm' for a timestamp in the playback window.
- A percentage string (XX%) for a proportion of the content duration.


- A timestamp which is not in the playback window will result in the ad break not being started.
- VMAP resources will ignore this value as they contain an internal offset.
- Since 2.18, numbers are supported for the Google IMA integration, since 2.21 other formats as well.

Default Value
