Interface CachingTaskParameters

Describes the configuration of a caching task.

interface CachingTaskParameters {
    allowsCellularAccess?: boolean;
    amount: string | number;
    bandwidth?: number;
    expirationDate?: Date;
    preferredTrackSelection?: CachingPreferredTrackSelection;


allowsCellularAccess?: boolean

An indication of whether the data should be cached on a cellular network, or only on WIFI. Defaults to true.


- Available only on iOS.
- The value can not be changed on a scheduled asset.
- If the download is scheduled/started on WIFI-only mode, and suddenly we would like allow Cellular Network download too, the CachingTask has to be removed and scheduled again with the new CachingParamaters.

amount: string | number

The amount of data to cache for the given stream.


- Available only on Web and Android. On iOS this value we always be '100%'.

Possible formats:
- A number in seconds.
- A percentage string (XX%) for a proportion of the content duration.

bandwidth?: number

Upper bandwidth limit of the quality to cache.


- This will take the quality with the highest bandwidth that is lower than the specified bandwidth.
- It should be a value between zero and infinity.

Default Value

expirationDate?: Date

The expiration date of the cached data.


- Must be a date in the future.
- Data might be removed by the browser if it runs out of disk space.

Default Value

30 minutes after starting the caching task.
preferredTrackSelection?: CachingPreferredTrackSelection

The preferred audio/text tracks to cache.


- Available only on iOS and Android.
- By default, the first track will be picked.

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