Interface THEOplayerDefaultUiProps

interface THEOplayerDefaultUiProps {
    bottomSlot?: ReactNode;
    config?: PlayerConfiguration;
    onPlayerReady?: ((player) => void);
    style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
    theme?: Partial<THEOplayerTheme>;
    topSlot?: ReactNode;


bottomSlot?: ReactNode

A slot in the bottom right to add additional UI components.

The player configuration with THEOplayer license.

onPlayerReady?: ((player) => void)

The callback that is called when the internal THEOplayer is created.

Type declaration

    • (player): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

The style for the container.

The theme for all components.

topSlot?: ReactNode

A slot in the top right to add additional UI components.

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