The theme colors.

interface ColorTheme {
    adDiplayText: string;
    adDisplayBackground: string;
    adSkipBackground: string;
    errorBackground: string;
    icon: string;
    iconSelected: string;
    seekBarDot: string;
    seekBarMaximum: string;
    seekBarMinimum: string;
    text: string;
    textSelected: string;
    textSelectedBackground: string;
    uiBackground: string;


adDiplayText: string

The color of the ad display text

adDisplayBackground: string

The color of the ad display background.

adSkipBackground: string

The color of the ad skip button background.

errorBackground: string

The color of the error display background.

icon: string

The color of the SVG icons.

iconSelected: string

The color of the SVG icons when they are selected.

seekBarDot: string

The color of the dot on the seek bar.

seekBarMaximum: string

The color of the right side of the seek bar.

seekBarMinimum: string

The color of the left side of the seek bar.

text: string

The color of the text components.

textSelected: string

The color of the text components when they are selected.

textSelectedBackground: string

The color of the text component background when it is selected.

uiBackground: string

The color of the UI background.

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