
class ConvivaConnector(appContext: Context, player: Player, convivaMetadata: ConvivaMetadata, convivaConfig: ConvivaConfiguration, adEventsExtension: EventDispatcher<AdEvent<*>>? = null)


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constructor(appContext: Context, player: Player, convivaMetadata: ConvivaMetadata, convivaConfig: ConvivaConfiguration, adEventsExtension: EventDispatcher<AdEvent<*>>? = null)


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fun destroy()

Stops video and ad analytics and closes all sessions.

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fun reportPlaybackEvent(eventType: String, eventDetail: Map<String, Any>?)

Reports a custom event to the current Conviva session.

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fun reportPlaybackFailed(errorMessage: String)

Sets an error to the conviva session and closes the session.

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fun setAdInfo(metadata: ConvivaMetadata)

Sets Conviva metadata on the Conviva ad analytics.

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Sets Conviva metadata on the Conviva video analytics.

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Explicitly stop the current session and start a new one.