Package-level declarations


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data class AssetInfoResponse(val audioOnly: Int, val boundaryDetails: List<BoundaryDetail>? = null, val error: Int, val tvRating: Int, val maxSlice: Int, val thumbPrefix: String, val sliceDur: Double, val movieRating: Int, val owner: String, val meta: Map<String, String>, val rates: List<Int>, val thumbs: List<Thumbnail>, val posterUrl: String, val duration: Double, val defaultPosterUrl: String, val desc: String, val ratingFlags: Int, val externalId: String, val isAd: Int, val asset: String)

Represents the details of an asset retrieved from the AssetInfo request.

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data class BoundaryDetail(val offset: Int, val duration: Int)

Data class representing the details of a boundary.

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data class DrmResponse(val required: Boolean = false, val fairplayCertificateURL: String? = null, val widevineLicenseURL: String? = null, val playreadyLicenseURL: String? = null)

The Uplynk content protection information.

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data class PingResponse(val nextTime: Duration, val ads: UplynkAds? = null, val extensions: JsonElement? = null, val error: String? = null)

The response for a ping request See more in documentation

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data class PreplayLiveResponse(val playURL: String, val sid: String, val drm: DrmResponse?, val prefix: String, val ads: List<UplynkPlayedAd> = listOf())

The Uplynk Preplay Response for live channels and events.

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data class PreplayVodResponse(val playURL: String, val sid: String, val drm: DrmResponse? = null, val prefix: String, val ads: UplynkAds, val interstitialURL: String? = null)

The Uplynk Preplay Response API for video on demand

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data class Thumbnail(val height: Int?, val width: Int?, val prefix: String, val bw: Int, val bh: Int)

Data class representing a thumbnail resolution.

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data class UplynkAd(val apiFramework: String?, val companions: List<UplynkAd>, val mimeType: String, val creative: String, val events: Map<String, List<String>>? = null, val width: Float, val height: Float, val duration: Duration, val extensions: JsonElement? = null, val fwParameters: Map<String, String>? = null)

Represents details about an ad, including its API framework, companion ads, creative details, and other properties.

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data class UplynkAdBreak(val ads: List<UplynkAd>, val type: String, val position: String, val timeOffset: Duration, val duration: Duration)

Represents data containing details about an ad break.

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data class UplynkAds(val breaks: List<UplynkAdBreak>, val breakOffsets: List<UplynkBreakOffsets> = emptyList(), val placeholderOffsets: List<UplynkPlaceholderAds> = emptyList())

An Uplynk ads data contains an information about ad breaks.

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data class UplynkBreakOffsets(val index: Int, val timeOffset: Double)

An object that contains the ad break's timeOffset and the index for the ads.breaks object.

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data class UplynkPlaceholderAds(val startTime: Float, val endTime: Float, val breaksIndex: Int, val adsIndex: Int)

Represents the details of a placeholder ad, including its start and end times, and the indices related to its position in the ad breaks array.

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data class UplynkPlayedAd(val duration: Double, val ts: Double, val extensions: JsonElement? = null, val freeWheelParameters: Map<String, String>)

A class that represents an advertisement that was played in live channel before playback started on the client